
New Moon has been owned and directed by Jack and Sue Goodman since 1994. Jack has been involved with New Moon for most of his life. Since 1975, Jack has gained extensive staff experience in almost every facet of children camping, providing strong leadership to both staff and campers of all ages. He is a past Director of the Board for the Ontario Camps Association, is a member of the Society of Camp Directors and is a founding board member and Vice President of ‘Kids in Camp’, a charity that enables children to attend summer camp when financial needs may otherwise be an impediment. From 2020 to 2021 he was Chair of the OCA’s COVID-19 Task Force that spearheaded the reopening of camps during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. He is also a Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto.

Sue has also enjoyed working with young children for more than 40 years. Sue has enjoyed extensive experience working as an Early Childhood Studies specialist within the elementary classroom setting at various schools including the Alternative Primary School in Toronto. She also acted as a home day care Visitor ensuring standards of Home Daycare were maintained by day care providers. Since 1994, Sue has provided exceptional leadership and early childhood expertise to New Moon, along with supporting our clientele will all administrative needs. 

Zack has spent his life at New Moon and is now the 3rd generation of New Moon Leadership within the Goodman family! He has worked his way from Program Director to Assistant Director and is now a full time Director. He brings extensive experience in all areas of camp, providing direct oversight to our extensive program. From the hiring and training of all staff, to his expansive knowledge of all facets of camp, Zack also maintains a close connection with all of our campers and parents. He is also the Director of our Outdoor Education Program New Moon, which provides outdoor education and retreat opportunities to school and corporate groups before and after the summer. 

Al Goodman, Director Emeritus, was involved in children’s camping from 1942 until his retirement in 1994. He directed many leading camps in Ontario before taking ownership of Camp New Moon in 1959/60. His experience and love of camping continues to provide New Moon with great ideas and a strong sense of history. He and his wife Marg still enjoy regular visits to New Moon to interact with campers and staff, sharing stories and great memories.

The head staff is comprised of senior and highly experienced veterans who have many years of strong leadership experience. Our Program Staff are talented and creative, selected amongst the best of applicants, most of whom having been campers and graduates of our CIT program. They offer a nurturing environment for all children. Counsellors offer creative programming and exceptional leadership skills, and our specialists are trained and certified in their area of instruction. We enjoy a remarkable return rate of our staff, adding continuity and familiarity for all of the returning campers.