Culture and Religion at New Moon
Judaism At New Moon
Like some camps in the US and Canada, New Moon grew out of a need of the Jewish community to find opportunities for children to enjoy camp in a safe, inclusive environment. Anti-semitism prevented entry into many resort lodges and similar recreational venues and a desire to retain the cultural traditions was strong. New Moon opened in the early 1950’s Through programming, ritual, and community involvement, campers learn about their rich and storied heritage. While we have no religious prayer at camp, we’ve maintained certain traditions, including the singing of a prayer before most meals, which is a mix of English and Hebrew. On Friday night, we dress in a white shirt and welcome the Sabbath with an traditional Shabbat dinner, camper-led with prayers over the candles and home-made challah bread. We follow the meal with a thematic service that is also camper and staff-led, that addresses world-issues that have direct camp life impact.
Non-Jewish campers and staff are very much part of our broad camp culture and are of course welcome and feel completely comfortable in our environment. Our philosophy not only promotes the values of inclusiveness, but insists on it!