Staff Inquiries
We welcome new staff at New Moon. We are looking for people who love to work with children, enjoy the outdoors, and are highly responsible. Whether it be for counselling, specialty staff or a head-staff position, we encourage you to complete a staff application using our electronic application form. This will become available in early October.
The minimum staff age is 17 (turning 17 before December 31st in the same calendar year of camp).
A limited number of spaces are reserved for extended contracts during the pre- or post-camp period.
2017 Important dates
Thursday, June 22nd | Head Staff “Pre-Pre Camp” (Pre-camp groups may precede this date) |
Sunday, June 25th | Pre-Camp Training “arrive by 11 AM” |
Thursday, June 29th | Camp Starts |
Thursday, August 17th | Camp Ends (post-camp groups follow) |